Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blogging My Mind

Without adaptation failure is imminent.  We must always be moving because if we stall, we will get sacked.  Failure isn't an option and innovation is key for success.  Winning works when you work together and communicate objectives.  You must enjoy the journey and laugh in the moments.  Plan to play and play to outplay all things that harm your intentions.  Favor wisdom and yield to temptations when the moment is right but only if you don't interfere with the freedoms of an another.  Don't be afraid to go hard because moments lived expose us to experience and teach us lessons of fate.  Worry not, everything will be ok as long as you breathe and calculate the next move in a precise manner.   Cheers to world peace but understand that the world as we know it may end at any time.  Spend each dollar like it's your last and preserve your energy but build your strength.  Be cautious to trust and verify information so you are not taken advantage of.  Its surprising how fast things can change even with established relationships.  Everybody is selfish to a certain degree and having outs ensures an exit strategy.  Fight to the finish and ride the feast for glory reigns inside elitist in action.


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