Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Boss's Day

Sometimes life is tough In the day of a boss. Getting overwhelmed is not an option for a boss as he must adapt, overcome and conquer all obstacles in order to maintain his boss status. A boss must produce and regulate. He must use his experience to evaluate risk and reward to make moves to remain competitive. A boss plays chess not checkers and drinks bourbon not Dos Equis. He motivates and inspires the troops and fights for his rights to pursue his vision. Cheers to being a boss.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Making Education a Non-Priority in Nevada

Making Education a Non-Priority in Nevada
by Brian Bosma

What a crazy world we live in.  Tonight was the Washoe County School Board debate by Priority Education #1 at Wooster High School.  The forum was created to allow candidates to answer questions from the panel and the audience.

It is amazing how people try and convince others of their own denial.  Nevada's public education system is laughed at by most of the nation.  Google: Nevada Education Ranking and read the first article, it's titled "Nevada Education Ranked Last In Country By 'Kids Count' Report, Parents Consider Moving Out Of State".  But what a great win against itself this last weekend Nevada (UNR vs UNLV), maybe if its education system was a sports team the community would take more pride in it.  It ranks almost dead last in every category.

Does anybody care about education in Nevada or do they all just ignore the problem?  You would think that the Washoe County School Board candidates, if elected, would commit to serving their full term? Only 3 of the 7 candidates said they would fully commit to the position.  It's nice that politicians are using the education board as a stepping stone to the political spot light.  And ya I am talking to you David Aiazzi.  Great agenda man, after reading your accomplishments its nice to see that you will use the school board to fulfill your agenda, but good luck on your run for Mayor!

The other people who 'cared' consisted of maybe 50 people  Half of them students for extra credit and the rest were teachers, current council members, media, and the normal Reno crazies. It wasn't hard spotting superintendent Pedro Martinez hiding behind four educational lobbyist who were giving signs to their candidates running for reelection on stage.  Poor Pedro, he is a fish out of water and did his best to duck afterwards but with no avail as he got swarmed by children, the perfect excuse not to regain some manhood.

How about the rest of those candidates? Crazy Grandpa UNR Professor Howard Rosenberg stole the stage with his profanity and his obnoxious chimes to audience members.  You really want to give all the teachers the power and not allow for parent intervention? Is this the same guy that yelled at a father for asking the panel about diversifying curriculum to stretch over broader topics of religion? Yes it was. He got out of his chair and told the guy he was nuts. Parents shouldn't worry about the self admitting "100 year old dinosaur", he can relate to the needs of children, just make sure he takes his medication and doesn't drive.  But like Rosenberg his opponent incumbent Ken Grein cannot commit to his full term.

The other incumbent, Dr. Barbara McLaury, like Grein, couldn't commit to a full term and they were both successful at looking totally out of place.  And why did they look and sound so guilty?  When called out by a grandma who interrupted the entire debate, they laughed at her and left her question about why they hired Pedro Martinez unanswered.  $100 says they crack under a grand jury about the misappropriated education funds in Washoe County.

Diana Nicolet is the outsider PhD who is running against Aiazzi and she actually has national experience in education and has some fresh ideas for education in Nevada. But Nevada isn't familiar with her so congrats again Aiazzi for using children as an angel for a higher political  position.

For Ward A, Dale Richardson, the school police officer, thinks he knows children because he has children in school. How do you recommend increasing graduation rates when you are responsible for ruining the educational progress of children who made mistakes?  And at any time you could of spoke instead of agreeing with everybody else.

Lisa Ruggerio might be the last remaining beacon of hope for education in Nevada.  She understands that although Nevada might be underfunded it still can overachieve.  She brings her 20 years of education and educational consulting experience to provide ideas that Nevada needs to become more competitive on a national scale in education.  She has more endorsements than any other candidate from education advocacy groups to business associations.

Governor Sandoval, Senator Reid, Senator Heller, and the Nevada Legislator need to answer for their gross negligence of Nevada Education.  Tisk-Tisk Nevada. Let's make Nevada education a priority by keeping all parts accountable and as a community raise standards.  Everybody complains about money for education problems but motivation, inspiration, and drive are all free. It will take the entire state of Nevada to be on the same level in order to fix the educational turmoils of Nevada. Washoe County is an accurate representation of the entire state and the entire nation.

Let's truly work towards making education a number 1 priority.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Think back to when you were a child.  Living without a care, without a regret always trying to run free. Society has burdened us with false beliefs by I shall always remain free.  Without a need He will provide and save me from frightening lies.

Imagine the feeling of being free,
living life without a need.
Not making plans,
and not making a fuss,
Why rush life's lust?
We were created to explore,
and not settle down.
Free as a Spirit,
and Higher than Clouds,
The life boat is sailing so let's party on.

What happened to innocence and to good will? When did we start ignoring all that will be? We are centered on ourselves and don't believe, that something is greater that we can't see.  Free your mind from the crutches within, and expand your knowledge to include the truth.  

What will happen when she sees,
the fateful grip my spirit has over me?
Enjoying the journey is a choice,
Please believe we are always connected.

Never forget that mental whisper and never compromise your beliefs. Join the belief that we are all free and you will see the stars raining down on thee. Take initiative and don't settle down, unless it's with me in the Fijian Sea.

Venez avec miol,