Monday, July 8, 2019

Area 151

Area 151 Mission: Complete alignment with the Mother Ship.  Remove earthly processes and adapt to countermeasures to assist with transformation to space.

Day 1: Removed neuro-toxins for blood rejuvenation | Joyous Celebration of Art & Music.
Day 2: Jet Pack Activation / 'Let the Secret guide you to Life’s G'st Treasures' - the Oracle
Day 3: Madness in Moon Motion Savoring the Reflection of the Solar Eclipse
Day 4: Mobbing through Celebratory Missile Fire for Independence
Day 5: Wasted Stranger Things Possessing Madness
Day 6: A Midsommar Mystery Reveals Itself
Day 7: Ace on 1st Base & Sauce on Yo Face

Day 8: No Ego’s, No Critics. Let’s Fucking Gooo!
Day 9: 'I'll out Hustle & out Grind You -  Rise & Grind Baby, Let's Go! - Joey G
Day 10: 10k Downpayment into the Process. Take Advantage.
Day 11: Felon Fights for his Freedom
Day 12: memories fade, make the most of the present
Day 13: moon man
Day 14: ‘Lets just keep the birdie and eagle train going’

Day 15: survive and thrive Martian
Day 16:  it’s easy to forget so keep moving forward
Day 17: ‘The biggest handicap is a weak mind’
Day 18: ‘Becoming a Champion is not easy’
Day 19:  ‘You are the average of your sphere of influence, keep it tight and stay Focused and Driven’
Day 20: ‘it’s important to lose your mind in order to find it sometimes’
Day 21: ‘I’m always broke, I’m always alone; what have I become?