Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Champions' Creed

The Champions' Creed 

We are Champions. 
We will win the Phoenix Cup
We will not lose. 
Nothing will come into our path. 
We are destined to Win. 
Manifestation is a real thing.
Let's Fucking Gooo!

10 Commandments to Success

1. Respect Yourself
A. Never allow any person, substance, or habit to manipulate or control you
B. Put your personal integrity first
2. Never Make Excuses, no Matter What
3. Always Invest More Effort than Is Required
4. Invest in Good Health
5. Identify the Person that You Want to Be, and then Act and Dress the Part
6. Be Early, Prepared, and Organized in Everything
7. Hardships are Inevitable; Persevere, Adapt and Overcome
8. Reflect and Meditate
9. Expand Knowledge
10. Pursue Financial Freedom
Bonus: 11. Strive for Accountability

2017 C Double Double ADL Regional World Champions
2019 CC Doubles World Champions

Monday, July 8, 2019

Area 151

Area 151 Mission: Complete alignment with the Mother Ship.  Remove earthly processes and adapt to countermeasures to assist with transformation to space.

Day 1: Removed neuro-toxins for blood rejuvenation | Joyous Celebration of Art & Music.
Day 2: Jet Pack Activation / 'Let the Secret guide you to Life’s G'st Treasures' - the Oracle
Day 3: Madness in Moon Motion Savoring the Reflection of the Solar Eclipse
Day 4: Mobbing through Celebratory Missile Fire for Independence
Day 5: Wasted Stranger Things Possessing Madness
Day 6: A Midsommar Mystery Reveals Itself
Day 7: Ace on 1st Base & Sauce on Yo Face

Day 8: No Ego’s, No Critics. Let’s Fucking Gooo!
Day 9: 'I'll out Hustle & out Grind You -  Rise & Grind Baby, Let's Go! - Joey G
Day 10: 10k Downpayment into the Process. Take Advantage.
Day 11: Felon Fights for his Freedom
Day 12: memories fade, make the most of the present
Day 13: moon man
Day 14: ‘Lets just keep the birdie and eagle train going’

Day 15: survive and thrive Martian
Day 16:  it’s easy to forget so keep moving forward
Day 17: ‘The biggest handicap is a weak mind’
Day 18: ‘Becoming a Champion is not easy’
Day 19:  ‘You are the average of your sphere of influence, keep it tight and stay Focused and Driven’
Day 20: ‘it’s important to lose your mind in order to find it sometimes’
Day 21: ‘I’m always broke, I’m always alone; what have I become?