Friday, May 27, 2016

Lessons of Motivation

When was the last time you learned a new skill? read a book? or improved on yourself.  We distract ourselves with bullshit and distraction.  Distraction will not get us what we want, it only leads to anguish and despair.  Live to be someone else's miracle. Karma, good deeds and living life for others is reciprocal. Our purpose in life is to be someone else's miracle... We need to stop looking for a miracle to happen to us but give back to the universe, Heaven gives out miracles through other people. Everybody is looking for Hope.  The universe puts people who are struggling, for whatever reason, along the way so we can help, but only if we are willing to take our time. Life is a lifelong commitment, not a miracle drug.  We need to condition our mind, body and soul so we can get out of the tough times.  Build up thyself through perseverance and training.  Choose your surroundings very carefully. Life is not easy.  When life goes wrong reflect on your own actions.  Decisions we have made years ago still have an effect on our life.  It takes courage to live your dreams and be happy. Is life giving what you want right now? What is your greatest personal achievement? We don't believe in ourselves enough to truly do what we want to do in life.  It is challenging to act.  JUST DO IT! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. Some things we have to live with.  All the money in the world can't heal sorrow. Make the chose today to do something good. Give up? or Get up?! The world is ever changing, if we are not proactive the world will leave us behind. You will fail if you don't take action. Execute. Build a routine, the hardest part is the first 40 days, we get shell shocked.  Once we get over the initial hunt our body programs itself.  We can accomplish anything we want once we  break ourselves down and have progress.  Lets get high on our own progress... be patient, build it up and you will see long term results. It' hard to change our lives. Life is not easy at times but do not give up on your dreams. It is very important for you to believe that you are the ONE.  Majority of the world stops and dies on themselves.  We know other people better than we know ourselves.  Get the Losers out of your life and invest into yourself.  Do not let other peoples opinions affect your reality.  Believe in yourself and act no matter the cost.  Do not be discouraged, fight until you win. As hard as it is, you have to point the finger at yourself for our lack of success. Successful people work hard. We must question our own beliefs if we are not aligned with where we want to be, Our mind can auto-detect its own ability.  You can evolve in any way you want. We speak vague about our freedom and blame other things for our own setbacks.  We are slaves to the thoughts of others. Nobody gets out of here alive. You cannot take anything with you once you leave this earth.  Our environment dictates our reality. Become the best version of yourself.  Everyday we waste is one less day of potentially enjoying our fantasy.  Time is running out. We have control of our time, day, year and life.  Fear is a parasite that has no benefit to our life. The first step is the hardest step.  The small decisions are often the most important because we don't understand their importance to our overall well being. We hold back on ourselves. In order to reinvent our lives we must commit 110%.   If you want something make a decision.  We have control of our lives and our decisions.  If you don't have the courage to act, sometimes life will force you to act and it won't be pretty.  Failure is inevitable. Life will never be ideal, it is simple, but not ideal. It is possible to live your dream and it is worth it.  We must work with ourselves continuously. As humans we have unlimited potential. Get your Adrenalin pumping.  Everyday we must sell ourselves on the endless possibility of our own dream and work at it.  IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL YOU WIN! Say it to yourself everyday I WILL MAKE IT!
